Sermons on Genesis

Sermons on Genesis

Take A Walk With Me by Ps Dave Welch 15-11-20

A father needs to allow their children to experience and feel the weight of their own cross to bear responsibility and at times consequences without removing the cross. Ones own cross is to learn the weight of sacrifice, responsibility and order. It is an enabling of the son to start the climb up his God ordained mountain. It’s time for fathers to take their place…

God Hears by Ps Dave Welch 08-11-20

To deal with the pain and brokenness and wrong, you have to turn to the Lord. To deal with the attitude, you need to submit to the master. Living with brokenness and bitterness (no matter how justified it seems) opens the door of my heart to fill with pride and the spirit of Leviathan causes a stint, unmoved heart. Unless I humble myself and submit myself to the master,…

Take Your Place by Ps Dave Welch 28-07-19

That which is born of the flesh must give ground to that which is born of the spirit. As a son of God I’ve got to get forceful in my soul regarding sin and the promises of God. For too long we have been promoting a gospel of salvation instead of the gospel of the kingdom. Matt 11:12, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 14:26-27, Luke 14:33, Gen 28:15, Eph 4:22-32